On Monday, August 24, 2015 6:37 PM, Mr Boura Ayivi Rock < bour_arock212@yahoo.com.au > wrote:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your email and we appreciate your understanding in this investment project,for your information the amount that I want to invest is sixty MILLION UNITED STATE DOLLARS ONLY(60,000.000) and it is in the bank,I can not lay my hand on it for now unless it is moved out of the country.
I need a trust worthy person over seas who will help me to receive the money in his account and 60% for me also 40% for you but all the whole money will be held by you on trust pending when I will come with my family to invest my share of the money.
Meanwhile,the funds is in Ghana with an investment bank under the care of a fiduciary agent or a financial consultants who you will contact after the agreements has been signed between you and I as partners in business.
I am from Africa and you are expected to meet with the fiduciary agent in Ghana to discuss with him concerning the movement of the funds to your account as the beneficiary of the funds because every necessary document relenting to the funds is with him and you need to sign the documents with him in Ghana before the transfer is made to your account.
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