Le 9 janv. 2016 17:15, " Western Union" < westernunion@westernunionsn.net > a ecrit :
We acknowledged the receipt of your mail and we are very fast in response due to the urgency and past delay of this transaction. Be informed that all arrangement have been completed but the only thing that is that delaying is to obtain the Fund' s Clearance Certificate which will make you to pick up the payment at Western Union agency according to the order from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). So now all your funds will be transfer to you through Western Union Money Transfer, $10,000.00 daily until the total sum is completely transferred to you. Note: You are advised to check the status of the transfer on our website below to confirm the availability of the below payment details and be informed that you can only pick it up after the above stated certificate is obtained: copy this website to your browser to check the transfer status:: https://wumt.westernunion.com/asp/orderResults.asp?country=BO Sender ' s: first name: Alice
Sender ' s: last name: Quest
MTCN: 9562868370
ANSWER: OK The fund was held at Western Union and you can not Pick it up immediately due to an instruction from Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that you have to obtain the Fund' s Clearance Certificate (FCC). This Certificate will enable the release of the transfer and for the Western Union over there to release the funds to you. You can only be able to confirm it via on-line, but you will not be able to pick it due to the blockage from the Revenue office until after we received the below stated amount to obtain the Certificate. The Certificate will cost you 900 Dollars only and you are required to send it today to make sure you received the first payment $10,000.00 we have already sent on your name. Below is the information you' ll use to send the money through Western Union also open the attached file for your receipt Receiver ' s First Name: Alice
Receiver ' s Last Name: Quest
Address: Address: 97, Avenue Andre Peytavin B.P. 4111 Avenue Peytavin.
City: Dakar
Country: Senegal
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