On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 2:23 am, UNIONBANK DESK < uniondesk.claimm@hotmail.com > wrote: Attn: RE-VISITATION AND CONSIDERATION OF YOUR PAYMENT THROUGH HSBC BANK CHINA. In
consideration of your various mails to this bank, Union bank Plc to
effect your overdue claim, we hereby inform you that full consideration
is accorded to pay you with the removal of all the fees on your payment
file here. Based
on the above, HSBC bank China, our correspondence/affiliate bank will
pay you the due claim out of $1.8 billion we secured from them as a loan
to pay all verified beneficiaries directed to this bank by the new
Federal government of the present regime of president Muhammed Buhari. Consequently,
we request you to contact the HSBC bank and send this code below :
UNIONTLXX/HSBC/PAX-00566-16# 001 to the attention of : Send this code (UNIONTLXX/HSBC/PAX-00566-16# 001)to DIRECTOR; MR CHARLES LEE OF HSBC BANK CHINA EMAIL: info@paymentofbeneficiaries.at.vu EMAIL: mrcharleslee@accountant.com Finally,
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