寄件者: Joseph Brown <jeobrown121@yahoo.com> 寄件日期: 2016/1/12 (週二) 11:08 AM 主旨: Attention: UBA NEW YORK Corporate Office Headquarters
I Rockefeller Plaza (8th Floor)
New York NY10020
Our Ref:UBA/NYU/SFE/12.5/WD/016
United States of America
The Management of the UBA NEW YORK Corporate Office Headquarters I Rockefeller Plaza (8th Floor) New York NY10020 wishes to inform you that after a brief meeting held by the Bank executives on the 8th Day of January 2016 at precisely 9 A.M.,we deem it appropriate to intimate you that your funds will be transferred into the United States Treasury Account with the JP Morgan Chase Headquarters at 270 Park Avenue in New York according to the record we got from Africa due to your inability to complete the transaction and your failure to meet up with a minor payment obligation.The actual transfer of your funds Part Payment SUM of (US$5.5Million) into the government account comes up next week.
Note; This Fund was shifted from West Africa Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire to UBA NEW YORK Corporate through the help of US Ambassador to Cote d'Ivoire Mr.Terence P. McCulley, Jr who instructed the central bank of Cote d'Ivoire to transfer your fund out from Africa to our bank here where it will be easy for you to obtain.
This is in line with the instructions of the USA Treasurer,Mrs.Rosa Gumataotao Rios that all unclaimed funds be paid into the United States Government Treasury Account as un-servicenable funds in compliance to section 3 subsection 1(a) of the United States Financial Law enacted in 2001 after an attack on our dear country on September 11,2001.
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