On Friday, 20 November 2015, 16:14, COLLINS < sergioramos@sermeca.info > wrote:
Owing to numerous complaints from many beneficiaries across the globe due to the failure of concerned payment financial committees set up in the past by IMF and WORLD BANK to effect the payment of their outstanding funds such as through Contract Payment, Inheritance and Lottery Winning Prize Awards among others,World Financial Service Authority(FSA) has set up this team called FINANCIAL INVESTIGATION AND SETTLEMENT TEAM to ensure that beneficiaries receive their funds without hitches.
It may interest you to know that following our investigation into the numerous complaints,your name was found among the beneficiaries who have not received their funds and from our findings your fund and its accrued interest is US$9.5m.( NINE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATE DOLLAR
Note that a special arrangement has been made with a reputable bank in LONDON,Barclay BANK PLC to ensure that the payment of your fund is effected through BANK TRANSFER PAYMENT SYSTEM OR DIPLOMATIC DELIVERY IN CASH TO YOUR HOME ADDRESS.
In view of the above, you are advised to confirm the following information which will be use in release of your fund to you .All you need to do now is to send to me your details such as :
1. Name in full:.
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