On Oct 14, 2015 9:53 PM, " Bio Products Lab Ltd" < purchasemanager@bplbio.net > wrote: Dear sir
My name is Mr. Claude John Narain, I am working in a pharmaceutical company in England. My company use to come to Bangladesh to source for local materials for our Pharmaceutical Companies and other Allied Materials. The person in Bangladesh that use to supply the company was connected by me but the last purchase my company did with the person i connected did not keep to our agreement. This is reason why i decided to look for a good ALLAH fearing person which can take control of the supply and whatever agreement we reach he will keep to it.
My company come to buy this product two times in a year and if you are interested kindly reply to this mail as soon as possible because my company is planning to come down to Bangladesh for the last time in the year .I told my Company that there is another Person I got that would handle the sourcing of the Material properly. So,I need your to reply quickly so that I can give your details to my Company to come and meet you.
My regards,
Mr.Claude John Narain
International Purchasing Manager.
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Claude John Narain: i do not want my Company to know that in over-inflated the cost of the products